Category: Practice

  • Blog #1 – Old Weather

              The primary Digital Humanities focus of this website is to promote the transcribing of 19th century ship logs pertaining to weather in certain areas of the world. The purpose of this is to acquire a collection of data regarding weather to spell out a pattern and further progress current climate…

  • Kindred Britain

    The Digital Humanities Project Kindred Britain uses the approach of network analysis to show how historic figures, mainly from Britain, were affiliated and related to one another. Although a network analysis project, Kindred Britain employs several other approaches such as mapping and visualization to help clearly convey the relationship of over 30,000 historic figures.  Through…

  • Analysis of ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World

    This post seeks to demonstrate how the use of digital humanities research and tools facilitates a model of transportation in the Roman Empire. ORBIS is a geospatial network based upon collaboration between information technology and historical evidence. There are 632 sites that are connected by modes of transport via road, sea and river. The model…

  • Nick Miller’s Post on American Indian Histories

    Nick Miller Web Site: The link above takes you to an informative and well developed web page that provides an in depth look at what they title American Indian Histories and Cultures. Upon loading the web page, you are immediately met with pictures that provide you with options in the bottom left-hand corner of…

  • Analysis of Livingstone’s 1871 Field Diary

      Scholars have published the lost journals of the famous British abolitionist and explorer of Africa, David Livingstone in their David Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project. The Project uses the method of transcribing to learn about Livingstone’s travels, which includes information about his five-month stay in the Congo and also first-hand account of a massacre that…

  • Early Modern London Can Teach You Something About Today

    Sample DH 1 — Section C6 of Early Modern London Based on a visualization concept, the map of early modern London shows the physical area of Shakespeare’s London before the Great Fire. The mapping of all the prominent landmarks and features of the city are clearly shown to help the viewer understand more about the…

  • Analysis of Galileo’s Letters’ Republic

    The Digital Humanities project of Mapping the Republic of Letters employs several approaches such as visualization, text description and mapping to help people understand the social, physical and academic networks of certain famous scholars living before the industrial revolution. In this post, I will examine the case of Galileo Galilei. The primary DH approach in…

  • Analysis of the Map of Early Modern London Project

    In this post I will examine how the Map of Early Modern London project demonstrates how digital humanities research and publication can help to make sense of a historical place and period that we think we understand (if we know English history, or Shakespeare, or London) but that can offer us new ways to think…

  • Analysis of the Virtual Paul’s Cross Project

    The purpose of “Virtual Paul’s Cross Project” is to visualize a quite important historical event, namely, John Donne’s sermon for Gunpowder Day, November 5, 1622. From 16th century, the Church of England, with the English Royalty at its head, had kept trying to achieve  full power (political and religious authority) on controlling the country. John Donne’s sermon for…