Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Downfall of Shamokin?

    In the beginning of the semester, Professor Faull assigned each student in our Digital Humanities class a page from the Powell Diary to transcribe and convert into an online English transcription. Although the close reading and transcribing of the Powell Diary into an online English edition helped me to understand the literal meaning of the…

  • Studying Post-Powell Shamokin

    Having the freedom to choose what our final project was in this class gave us not only a unique set of options but also a responsibility to choose something interesting, powerful and connectable to the class as a whole. Not every class offers the opportunity to choose the final exam topic. However, Digital Humanities, in…

  • Brother Grube’s Travels

    Looking back to the beginning of the year, I cannot begin to tell you what my thoughts were about Digital Humanities (DH). That is justified by the fact that I had no idea what DH was. During our first practice blog post, when we were directed to look different examples of DH web pages and…

  • Mack Diary Database Creation and Data based analysis

      Intro: Our group is provided with Mack Diary as our resource. We decide to analysis the Diary and compare it with Powell Diary. We made this decision because those two diary wrote stories about the same group of people and both of the authors lived in Shamokin. But they were wrote in different time.…

  • Changes in Moravians’ Life and Their Implications

    In our lightning talk, Jerry presented our new systematic project design. Different from the traditional project design, which starts from a question and is followed by data collection and data analysis, our own design begins with data collection. At first, we marked up the person’s names and place’s names in the Shamokin Diaries written by…

  • Martha Powell’s Memoir: She did exist!

    Throughout the semester, we have learned how to digitally document and explore Moravian artifacts and more specifically, the Powell Diary, through different digital humanities projects. These Digital Humanities projects make certain information easy to share with users and promote new research findings. Throughout the course of the semester, we have learned  how to create and analyze seven…

  • The Digital Humanities Journey of Brother Grube

    This final project is the culmination of all the skills that were learnt during this Digital Humanities (DH) course. Little was it known that the introduction of the course material in the beginning of the semester foreshadowed the work that was to be completed for this project. The illustration of what the Shamokin region was…

  • Transcribing the Mack Diaries, and Hopefully More

    John and I knew fairly early on in the semester what we were going to do for our final project. We were informed that the Mack Diaries documents were available on the class website, and what really intrigued us was that they had never before been transcribed. All semester long, Professor Faull has been telling…

  • The Process to Save Martin Mack’s Legacy

    The Powell Diary did a great job in showing how all the different parts of a transcription process worked and how to get a modern english edit from old english writing published digitally. In Digital Humanities, there are many different ideas that can be applied to this type of work. All these different topics could…

  • Lightning Talk

    On Monday, December 8 (last class ) each research group will present a lightning talk which is 8-10 minutes long. Your lightning talk should focus on your work process, including discussion of data sources (maps, data layers, text), and plan for how data will be gathered/displayed/published with emphasis on tool chosen.  You should also describe the…

Got any book recommendations?