Tag: Word Cloud

  • Changes in Moravians’ Life and Their Implications

    In our lightning talk, Jerry presented our new systematic project design. Different from the traditional project design, which starts from a question and is followed by data collection and data analysis, our own design begins with data collection. At first, we marked up the person’s names and place’s names in the Shamokin Diaries written by…

  • Distant Reading: Understanding and Comprehending

    Distant reading is a tool that is becoming more popular, as well as more fascinating and more advanced. As Edward Whitley says, “…the virtue of information visualization is that it can make complex data sets more accessible than they might otherwise be…” (188). Distant readings allow us to draw comparisons between different words and events…

  • Distant Reading and its Significance

    While at first it may be difficult to grasp the concept of distant reading, as it can appear confusing or meaningless, it is a very useful tool for analyzing works of literature from a far. Distant reading can help to evaluate the trend of individual words, as seen on Ngram, or compare readings by determining…