Tag: History

  • Representation of Chronology and Why It’s Important

    Documentation and recordation is extremely vital to history. Thanks to scholars in the past, we have events in the past we can learn from that allow us to progress. Through chronology, we can see how past events have affected ones that have proceeded them and monitor what is occurring in the world around these events.…

  • History without chronology…. Good luck………

    If one were to think about it in the most lamest of illustrations, history without chronology would resemble a pot-luck stew. There would be no way of telling what was in there, nor in what order the individual components should be eaten to avoid, quite bluntly, food poisoning. This is why chronology is so important; it gives…

  • How Do You Characterize DH Projects?

    The projects in the Digital Humanities project Sample Book are organized through tabs that form certain archives into the specific categories that our Humanities 100-01 class has been researching. There are seven (7) different options to locate an archive: Archive, Visualization, Mapping, Digital Edition, Network Analysis, Textual Analysis and Audio Analysis. Once in one of…